
Cranberry Stuffed Turkey with Italian Sausage

Serves: 6 – 8 Preparation Time: 1½ - 2 hours  Cooking Time: 2 - 3 hours  Ingredients 11 lbs double breast turkey joint (boned, butterflied with skin) 3.5 fl oz Marsala Wine 2 oz breadcrumbs 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 lbs Italian sausages (skin peeled) 3.5 oz dried cranberries 2 oz parmesan cheese (grated) 2 eggs (whisked) 4 tablespoons duck fat 2 banana shallots (chopped) 2 teaspoons fresh sage (chopped) ½ teaspoon allspice ¼ teaspoon ground cloves Method In a saucepan, mix the Marsala wine and dried cranberries. Bring it to a boil, then remove it from the heat and...
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Christmas 2012 Holiday Pre-orders

Holiday preorders have closed. Please stop by the Butcher Shop to see what we have in stock for your holiday feast.
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Thanksgiving Pre-Orders

Holiday preorders have closed. Please stop by the Butcher Shop to see what we have in stock for your holiday feast.
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2012 Mentored Antelope Buck

Ryan and his dad drew Idaho Owyhee Antelope tags in 2011. The both killed bucks, Ryans was a yearling buck. He did a very good stock and made a great shot for a first buck. This year a friend of ours from K-Falls drew Warner #2 and asked if Ryan wanted to be mentored for this hunt. Dad agreed for Ryan. This was a fabulous hunt, involving Mentor,Mentors brother, Dad, Uncle and Grandpa. Day 1 Ryan missed a whopper 80+ buck. Day 2 Ryan connected on a long shot and center punched this buck. Not a bad buck for being...
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Geocaching Milestone 8-11-12

Congratulations on getting to the geocaching milestone! Enter your name and email address below to receive further geocaching instructions.

Please note, you will need to confirm your subscription to the Butcher Shop's newsletter to receive the clue, but don't worry, you can unsubscribe at any time.

You will receive your next set of instructions Saturday, August 18, 2012 at 9am via email.

    (You must correctly answer this question to receive the next clue.)

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Geocaching Milestone 8-4-12

Congratulations on getting to the geocaching milestone! Enter your name and email address below to receive further geocaching instructions.

Please note, you will need to confirm your subscription to the Butcher Shop's newsletter to receive the clue, but don't worry, you can unsubscribe at any time.

You will receive your next set of instructions once you subscribe to our email newsletter.

    (You must correctly answer this question to receive the next clue.)

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Geo Caching Press Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE GEO CACHING CONTEST HITS THE UPPER ROGUE: The Butcher Shop is rolling out a GEO Caching Contest, Saturday July 28, 2012 at 9am Eagle Point, OR  – The Butcher Shop will start a Geo Caching contest on Saturday, July 28, 2012 at 9am, beginning at The Butcher Shop in Eagle Point. The winning prize will be: $25 in gold dollars and a $25 Butcher Shop Gift Certificate.  Geo Caching, is an outdoor scavenger hunt. Using clues and GPS coordinates, you will make your way to your final destination where there is a FTF (First to Find) prize...
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Where’s The Pork!

To have a little more fun on Facebook with all our "Butcher Shopians" we wanted to have a contest and reward one of you with a FREE Pork Pack... We have hidden a “Imaginary Pork Pack”… The Pork Pack could be anywhere in the Rogue Valley… We will post clues on our Facebook page as to it's whereabouts, they will also be posted here on our website.  Only one guess per person per day.  We will be looking for an EXACT location, not the vicinity or area ie. "Upper Table Rock" we would be looking for the exact land mark...
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How To Heat A Bone-In Ham Or Smoked Turkey

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and place meat on a roasting rack in a large pan. Fill pan with 1/4" of liquid-water, apple cider or any other flavoring and water. Cover meat tightly with a tent of foil and heat approximately 15 minutes per pound, or until a meat thermometer placed 1" away from and parallel to the bone reads 160 degrees. let the meat rest on the counter for ten minutes and re-check the meat- it should read 165 degrees to ensure safety standard temperature is reached. During the last half hour of cooking, take the foil tent off and glaze the...
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