Making the Biscuits
First, you’ll need to assemble the ingredients for your biscuits. Combine your dry ingredients in a bowl: flour, baking soda, sugar, salt, baking powder, and cream of tartar. Add butter to the bowl and incorporate the butter into the flour mixture. Add the milk and mix to form a dough. Flour a flat surface and dump the dough onto the surface. Flatten the dough and use the biscuit cutter to cut the dough. Place the biscuits in a pan and put them in the oven to bake.
Here are the exact measurements and instructions for the biscuits:
2 cups of all-purpose flour
4 teaspoons of baking powder
3 tablespoons of white sugar
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of cream of tartar
1/2 cup of frozen butter
3/4 cup of whole milk
Preheat the oven to 475 degrees. Use a cheese grater to incorporate the butter into the flour mixture. Place the biscuits on an ungreased cookie sheet and bake for about 10 minutes or until the biscuits are golden brown.
Making the Sausage Gravy
To make the gravy, saute sausage in a large pan. Cook the sausage until it is fully brown. Don’t drain the oil can comes from the sausage during cooking. Sprinkle some flour onto the sausage and make sure the two ingredients are well-combined. Slowly whisk the milk into the pan with the sausage and flour mixture. Add salt and pepper to taste. Cook the gravy mixture for about two minutes or until it starts to thicken, then take it off the heat.
Once the biscuits come out of the oven, pour the warm gravy over the biscuits and enjoy your meal!
Additional Tips
Think about the flavors your loved ones like the most. If your family likes spicy food, add a little cayenne pepper to the sausage while it’s cooking. If your friends prefer food that is especially savory, flavor the flour with garlic powder and onion powder before pouring it over the sausage. You can also add diced onions or peppers to the sausage before adding the flour and milk to the pan. Keep in mind that you can also use the sausage of your choice, whether you prefer beef, pork, lamb, or a combination of meats.
Shop The Butcher Shop to get the quality meat you need to ensure that your homemade biscuits and gravy is a dish your friends and family won’t soon forget. For more information on purchasing the perfect cut of meat, visit